Parent Stories
For most parents who experience it, chronic low milk supply comes as a devastating surprise.
Some have already endured fertility struggles, difficult pregnancies, or both. Others are managing chronic health conditions that are known to be associated with chronic low milk supply, but are never given information on how their health might affect lactation. Many have no known risk factors or red flags, making the experience all the more bewildering.
Nearly all who experience chronic low milk supply will encounter disbelief, dismissal and/or systemic roadblocks from family, friends, lactation professionals and/or medical providers. Our hope is that by sharing our stories, we can lower the barriers that exist and create a stronger culture of education, support and empowerment.
Alleigh’s Story
PCOS / SNS / Exclusive Nursing
I want it to be routine for mothers to get blood work done (full blood panel, micronutrients, prolactin, hormones, etc.) during pregnancy and after, ESPECIALLY if the mother presents with low milk supply or has a history of it.”
Sarah’s Story
Birth complications / Thyroid / Extended Nursing
“Before getting pregnant, I was an advocate for natural birth and breastfeeding and had worked as a midwife's assistant for a time. I now have a more balanced approach because fetal monitoring and being in the hospital at the right time saved both my and my daughter's lives. But most of all, I support informed, well-rounded decisions about birthing and breastfeeding.”
Rosalee’s Story
“I wanted to be the best mother for my baby. At the time I thought breastfeeding was a big part of motherhood. [I’m proud of] having the mental strength to try my best and move on when I needed to.”
Jane’s Story
Infertility / Birth complications / Exclusive pumping
“I had entered the hospital planning to exclusively breastfeed, but by my baby’s 10-day check-up, my baby was getting 90 percent formula and 10 percent breast milk in a bottle. I was traumatized from the birth, exhausted, anxious and utterly broken. My midwife, who is known in my city for her knowledge of women's health, simply told me that she had experienced low supply too but powered through it and nursed her daughter for eight months. There was no other advice.”
MJ’s Story
Infertility / Thyroid / Success
“It was like infertility all over again, feeling helpless, broken, less of a woman. The thought that if this were another time and place my baby would likely die because I didn’t have enough milk for her haunted me.”
Anita’s Story
Thyroid / Ties / Exclusive Pumping
“No one believed me that tongue ties influenced my daughter’s breastfeeding journey, apart from the doctor who performed the laser surgery. Everyone thought that I wasn’t pumping enough and hence why I wasn’t getting enough milk, not that there was possibly some medical reason.”
Amanda’s Story
Exclusive pumping / Micronutrient Deficiencies / PCOS
“Low milk supply matters because it’s not just about low milk supply, but postpartum mental health, too.”
Do you have a chronic low supply story to share?
We want to hear it!
Annette’s Story
PPD / PPA / Ties
“Lactating individuals DESERVE to understand why they have chronic low milk supply. If there isn't an understanding of why, it is extremely easy for the person to blame themselves and feel deeply inadequate. This has a massive impact on the mental health of a lactating person during an already tremendously vulnerable time. It also has trickle down effects, not just on that lactating individual, but on their partners and families.”
Desiree’s Story
PCOS / SNS / Ties
“I am very proud just to find out how determined I was! I don’t blame any mom for giving up, but despite having to supplement every single feeding since birth with two children, I never, ever gave up. Lactation consultants all applaud me when they hear how I was able to nurse through such major struggles for so long and I think their reactions remind me just how impressive it is.”
Harriet’s Story
IGT / SNS / Extended Nursing
“Although I still have IGT, my second breastfeeding experience has been much less stressful. I knew how to use the SNS and I didn’t fall into the triple-feeding trap. My eldest still breastfeeds at bedtime. My six-month-old happily chugs his donor milk at the breast through a Lact-Aid. Sometimes, this is what breastfeeding looks like.”
Huda’s Story
Jaundice / Ties / Exclusive Pumping
“I wasn’t given any information about pumping, and was asked to not latch the baby since she had lost a lot of weight. I started pumping after coming home, but a lack of knowledge about how to use the pump, how often, flange sizing, etc., made it much worse and I would only get drops. After collecting for an entire day, I got one ounce! I kept pumping and comfort nursing at times. I was too afraid to latch the baby for long because of the weight loss, even when she was doing better.”
Helena’s Story
SNS / Tubular breasts / Extended nursing
“Since puberty I had been embarrassed about my breast shape. I used to kid around saying that I didn't mind if they were little, all I wanted was a “normal” shape and two similar breasts. And after a few years, the subject was haunting me again. Every time I had to make a bottle, tears came out of my eyes. I felt like a failure, like a bad mom.”
Tiana’s Story
Investigating Root Causes
“It has been more than two years since the beginning of this whole journey, and when I'm asked about my story the feelings that first roll through the body are that of survival from severe trauma – trauma from complete disregard, neglect, exclusion, lack of concern for, lack of answers and understanding, and gas-lighting by the medical industry.”
Taylor’s Story
Ties / Bodywork / Exclusive Pumping